Lesson n.17:Infinitive and imperative tenses - Conversation


"Şimdi okuldasınız. Okuldan çıkın ve sola dönün.Biraz ileride trafik ışığı var. Trafik ışığından sağa dönün biraz yürüyün.Sonra ilk yoldan sola dönün ve doğru gidin.Bu Atatürk Bulvarı'dır. Sağ tarafta,köşede,bir postane var.Postaneden sağa dönün ve doğru gidin.Sol tarafta Iş Bankası var. Onu geçin ve dogru gidin.Sağ tarafta ilk büyük bina kütüphanedir."

In this lesson  we will be focusing on the INFINITIVE and IMPERATIVE TENSES and the use of the IMPERATIVE MOOD.

It's important to remind here that all Turkish  verbs are regular and end in -MEK or -MAK in accordance with the vowel harmony rule

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GRAMMATICAL NOTES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The ending of the infinitive is -MEK when the dominant (final) vowel is one of the following:      i - e - ö - ü  (front vowels)

Dönmek : This verb means " To return", "To come back". It ends in -MEK  since the  vowel  "ö" is a front vowel which  determines the final suffix in accordance with the vowel harmony.

The ending of the infinitive is -MAK when the dominant (final) vowel is one of the following:  a - ı - o - u. (back vowels).

Almak: this verb means "To take" and ends in -MAK since the  vowel  "a" is a back vowel.

The IMPERATIVE tense refers to the 2nd person singular and plural and is obtained as follows:

2nd person singular:  infinitive stem  (without -MEK or -MAK)

2nd person plural:  infinitive stem + one of the following suffixes depending on the dominant (final) vowel:

- in  - ün (-yün) - un (-yun)  - ın   (INFORMAL)
The "y" is used to separate the final vovel when the infinitive root end by  "u" or "ü".

The formal mood of the imperative is obtained by adding  the suffixes  - (y)ünüz , (y)unuz , -iz ,  -ız again bearing in mind the rule of the vowel harmony.


To go (andare): Gitmek
IMPERATIVE 2nd person singular: GIT
IMPERATIVE 2nd person plural: GİDİN - GİDİNİZ ( formal)

To write (scrivere): Yazmak
IMPERATIVE 2nd person singular: YAZ
IMPERATIVE 2nd person plural: YAZIN  - YAZINIZ (formal)


Trafik ışığı: Traffic light
Şimdi: now, in this moment
Geçmek: To pass  -    (-den geçmek: To pass by)
Kütüphane: Library
Doğru: straight, (while indicating direction)


  1. How can I make an imperative tense with the 1st person of plural?

  2. Using the 'let's do' construction. E.g. let's go: gidelim
    let's buy : alal1m
