Lesson 48: Auxiliary verbs in Turkish: Etmek, Olmak- Conversation: Elections-Seçimler

This lesson will focus on the category of auxiliaries in Turkish whose main verbs are essentially

However there are other verbs which may be used as auxiliaries in different contexts.We will have a look at most of them.
This is going to be a long lesson so please don't get bored!!!
Listen to this passage carefully and identify the verbs using any of the auxiliaries Etmek or Olmak.
(note that since this is a long conversation the script is not listed due to space reason.Vocabulary will however be given.)


İşte: Here (he is)
Tanıştırmak: To introduce himself
Sabahtan beri: Since morning
Ne güzel bir rastlantı: What a nice coincidence !
Rahatsız etmek: To bother, to disturb
TBMM (Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi): Turkish Grand National Assemby Assemblea Nazionale.
Yanılmıyorsam: If I am not mistaken
Avukat: Lawyer
Anayasa: Constitution
Değişikliler: Changes
Ilan etmek: To declare
Ilan edilmek: To be declared
Idareyi ele almak: To take over the administration
Halkoyu (referandum): Referendum
Sunmak: To submit
Kabul etmek: To accept
Cumhurbaşkanı: President of the Republic
Meslek: Profession
Seçimler: elections
Çoğunluk: majority
Kurmak: To estabilish
Üye: Member
Dönem: Term
Arka arkaya: consecutively
Yaşı uygun ise: If age is suitable
Millevekilleri: Deputies , MPs
Başbakan: Prime Minister
Bakan: Minister
Oy: Vote
Oy vermek: To vote
Sınır: Limit, edge - limite
Çağırmak: To call
Ne yazık ki, maalesef: Unfortunately
Karşılamak: To meet, to encounter
Yüzbaşı: Captain

                                                                 GRAMMAR NOTES

As hinted at the beginning the two main auxiliaries in Turkish are :ETMEK and OLMAK.
These verbs are generally use to form compound verbs as well as to make active and passive tenses respectively.
Look at these examples:

Etmek - to do, to make, to perform. This auxiliary is used to make Active Tenses.
Babamı mutlu ettim - I made my father happy.Elmak - to be, to become, to happen, to occur. This auxiliary is used to make Passive Tenses.
Seni görünce mutlu oldum. - I became happy on seeing you.

Let's analize them in more details

Etmek - to do/to perform

etmek - cannot be used alone as a verb. It is an auxiliary verb used with nouns.It is most used along with Arabic or Persian words as well as foreign words imported into Turkish.
Look at this list below and try to memorize them.Most of the compound verbs have an Arabic stem to which -Etmek is added.

telefon etmek - to telephone
dans etmek - to dance
şikâyet etmek - to complain
tereddüt etmek - to hesitate
talep etmek - to ask, to demand
Itaat etmek - to obey
istifa etmek - to resign, to step down
Vefat etmek - to die, to pass away

The list could continue but it is sufficient for you now to remind that this is one of the applications of the auxiliary "etmek"

It should be noted that many Arabic words do not follow the rules of vowel harmony within themselves but any Turkish suffixes added will always be governed by the final vowel in the word, although there are a few exceptions to this. One we have already met saat hour saatler hours.
Sometimes in Turkish there are two words in general use for the same meaning, one Arabic using - etmek - to form its verb, whilst the Turkish rooted word will follow normal rules of conjugation.

tamir etmek- to repair [arab] or onarmak - to repair [turk]

The auxiliary Etmek has up to nine different meanings according to the most accurate dictionaries:

1. - to do, make - kâr etmek - to make a profit
2. - to do well or wrong - Ne iyi ettin. - How well you did!- iyi etmedin - you did not do well!
3. - reach (a time) - Ay sonunu etmek - To reach the end of the month
4. - to deprive (someone) of (something) - Bu iş beni sağlığımdan etti. (-den etmek) - This job wore me out.
5. - to equal, make - Dört üç daha yedi eder. - Four plus three makes seven
6. - to be worth - O kitap yüz elli lira eder. - That book is worth 150 lira.
7. - to amount to, make - Toplam sekiz dolar ediyor.- The total amounts to 8 dollars
8. - to wrong, treat (someone) unjustly - Bana neler etti. - What (bad things) he did to me.
9. - to soil or wet (one's underpants, bed etc.) - donuna etmek ; yatağına etmek

Examples of Transitive Verbs formed with "etmek"

Transitive verbs have an Object

In these examples onu can either mean it (object) - or that (object)

ayıp - a shaming
ayıp etmek - to cause/make a shame
Onun için Mehmet beni ayıp etti - Because of it/that Mehmet shamed me.
teslim - a delivering [Arabic]
teslim etmek - to deliver
Mektubu teslim ettim - I delivered the letter
Koliyi teslim ettirdiniz - you had the the parcel delivered (Causative Verb form)
tamir - a repairing [Arabic]
tamir etmek - to repair
Onu tamir etsek - If we repair it/that
Onu tamir edemem - I can't repair it/that
kontrol - a checking [Eng. Fr.]
kontrol etmek - to check
Onu kontrol ettiler - They checked it/that
Onu kontrol edebilir misiniz? - Would you check it/that?

It stands to reason that only "etmek" is conjugated while formng the tenses of the compound verbs.

The Passive can be formed with the Passive of etmek - edilmek but is often replaced by the The verb of olmak - to become - or its Passive Form - olunmak - to become - without any change in meaning.

olmak - to be/become

This verb meaning to be or to become is also used as an auxiliary with foreign loan words. It is also attached directly to single syllable roots or written separately when used with roots of more that one syllable. It does not change its own vowels as it is a verb in its own right. One of its most important auxiliary functions is its use as the Future Tense and Potential Mood of the verb - to be.

Look at these examples:

ayıp - shame
ayıp olmak - to be a shame
Yağmur yağdığından ayıp olur - It is a shame that it is raining
- or - Yağmur yağdığından ayıptır - It is a shame that it is raining - sometimes the verb "to be" can be used in place of olmak - to become
hazır - ready
hazırım - I am ready
hazır olacağım - I shall be ready [Future]

zengin - rich
zenginsiniz - you are rich
zengin olsaydınız - If you had been rich [Conditional]

yoksul - poor
O yoksul - he is poor
O yoksul olabilir - He may be poor [Potential]

If we now show the examples from etmek - the transitive auxiliary verb form above, but with the auxiliary verb as edilmek - the intransitive auxiliary verb - then we can see that the sense has become Passive as opposed the Active sense:

teslim - a delivering
teslim etmek - to delivered - [Transitive form takes an object]
Ali, mektubu teslim etti [Active Sense] - Ali delivered the letter. [Transitive with mektubu in the objective case.]
teslim edilmek - to be delivered - [Intransitive form - takes no object]
dün teslim edildi - It was delivered yesterday. [Intransitive - no object]
mektup teslim edildi - The letter has been delivered [Passive with edilmek and mektup as the subject]
These examples show that the main verb can also be made passive by the use of edilmek - to be performed - the passive form of etmek itself.

tamir - a repairing
tamir edilmek - to repair [passive]
O tamir edilecek - It (as subject.) will be repaired
O tamir edilemedi - (ed-il-e-me-di) - It (as subject) could not have been repaired

kontrol - a checking
kontrol edilmek - to be checked
O kontrol edildi - It has been checked
Onu kontrol edilebilcek mi?- (ed-il-ebil-ecek mi?) - Can it be repaired?

ret- a refusing
reddedilmek - to be refused
Ben, reddedildim - I was refused (this is a case in which "etmek" is attached to the noun)
O, reddedilince - On it being refused

takdir - an appreciation
takdir edilmek - to be appreciated
Ahmet, takdir edildi - Ahmet was appreciated
Ali, takdir edilecek - Ali will be appreciated

The Passive use of - olmak

When used with loan word to form verbs it gives the sense of being in a state of..
pişman - a regretting - pişman oldum - I regret/I was sorry - [Lit: I was sorry]
fena - bad/ill - fena oluyorum - I feel ill
memnun - pleased - memnun oldum - I'm pleased - [Lit: I was pleased]

Other Auxiliaries

These include:
yapmak- to do as an action
gelmek- to come
kalmak - to remain/stay
bulunmak - to be found/to be - [Passive of bulmak]
eylemek - to carry out - [equates with etmek but not common.] eylemek can be used as a substitute for etmek and serves the same purpose. It is usually restricted to the written word and is seldom used in conversation

Continuative Verbs

kalmak and durmak are used to form a continuing action of the main verb giving the sense - to keep on doing.. or to remain in a condition of.. To form the Continuative Verb the Infinitive of kalmak or durmak is added directly to the Subjunctive Root of the main verb. The Subjunctive Root is formed by suffixing -e or -a to the basic Verb Stem yüzmek to swim yüze- Subjunctive stem.
Then with the direct addition of kalmak - to remain:
yüzekalmak- to keep on swimming - yüzekaldı - He kept on swimming
alakalmak- to keep on taking - alakalacağım - I will keep on taking
durakalmak- to keep on stopping - durakalıyorsun - You keep on stopping


The verb - vermek - to give - can also be added to the subjunctive verb stem and in this case it gives a sense of urgency and speed of action to the main verb. In this case - vermek- loses its meaning - to give. Then with the direct addition of vermek - to "get a move on.."


koşmak - to run - koşuvermek - to hurry up and run

When adding "vermek" to a verb then the vowel of the subjunctive ending -e narrows to -i or thus: (güle becomes gülüverin and kese becomes kesıverin), while that of the subjunctive ending -a narrows to or -u thus: (baka becomes bakıverin and tuta becomes tutuverin).

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